Why RPF?
A way of living that HELPS YOU ENJOY more aspects of your life. Health is not just about avoiding a disease or illness. It is about physical, mental and social well-being too.
– RPF Lifestyle –

A RESET is necessary when the life you are living has become completely and unimaginably different than you ever wanted. This is the ideal moment to create a clean slate and start over. Reset yourself, reset your life! A refresh on life and a new mindset.

Remove all negative taught, toxin, toxic and get rid everything that can be your obstacle to move forward.

A healthy lifestyle is important to recovery from depression, and We offers tips to help make recovery successful. Your recovery lifestyle is not meant to be walked alone. You can find some kindred spirits in meetings that could become lifelong friends.
How MERACLE Can Help You?
The passion towards women especially Mom, baby and family bonding started from the Founder – Puan Roslaila Puspa Deraman, dreams to educate young moms about the importance of taking care of their health starting from the moment they plan to start a family, throughout her first pregnancies , during confinement and post confinement period. It starts with this new launching product “MERACLE”.
evokes a sense of tranquility, peace, and a gentle restoration of equilibrium. It’s like a serene journey that unfolds, softly easing the mind and body into a state of relaxation
Applying a salve can be a comforting experience that extends beyond its physical benefits. It involves a tactile connection with the soothing substance, creating a moment of self-care and relaxation. t
Alleviating stress or tension, making one feel at ease and relaxed.
Everyday Use
Most important, this salve from meracle can be use everyday.

Meracle – SALVE
Product Description:
- It is made from 3 main natural ingredients such as Young Ginger, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus.
- No Camphor
- No Paraben
- No Paraffin
Main Specifications:
- The product’s texture is in the form of a soft salve.
- Due to its nature made from natural ingredients, its texture is softer than balm, so users should not apply too much pressure when applying it to the skin.
- This Meracle salve is packed in a plastic container that somewhat resembles lip balm.
- Weighs 6.5 grams.
- Because of its natural ingredients, it is colorless.
“Meracle adalah sesuatu yang wajib ada di dalam handbag saya. Apabila kepala terasa pening atau stress kerana sesuatu, Meracle adalah penyelamat, memberi kelegaan pantas dan sangat mujarab.
“Saya ada sinus; jadi mudah sakit kepala dan blocked nose. Hidung sgt sensitive pada abuk dan juga aircon kereta. Bila sapu Meracle, pernafasan rasa lega. Saya dapat tidur lena😍”
“Saya sangat sukakan product Meracle ni.Memang bawak kemana-mana sahaja saya pergi.
Bila pening je kepala takpun tegang bhg tengkuk ni memang Meracle la penyelesaiannya.Alhamdulillah.. cepat betul kesannya lepas sapu tu.Bau Meracle Salve ni pun best sgt tau..Memang recommended!
About Puan Puspa Deraman
Founder Meracle
With over 30 years of experience in Health and Women’s Health, Ms. Puspa has built strong connections with various layers of society, especially among women. It opened her eyes to the crucial role women play in family, married life, and within society. Imagine when a woman or a wife falls ill, many daily household tasks are left unresolved, from cooking and taking care of children to maintaining home cleanliness, and various aspects of childcare are neglected.
Facing Reality
Ms. Puspa feels compelled to bring about change. She wants to contribute to the well-being of both women and men, encouraging them to always prioritize health and take early action for the comfort of their bodies. When our bodies are comfortable, our overall mood tends to be more cheerful.
Ms. Puspa has appointed a scientist with over 20 years of experience in researching plants and natural salves, Dr. Yasmeen Mohamed, as a Scientific Advisor. Discussions began two years ago when they met in Istanbul during the 2021 Halal Expo. Both agreed to create a product using natural ingredients, free from camphor and other synthetic minerals that may pose health risks when used over an extended period.
When she had to fight for her life, rushed to the ICU in March 2023. The hospital became her second home as she endured intense pain daily, still searching for the true cause of her ailment. Although struggling with mobility and self-care, in September 2023, doctors confirmed Ms. Puspa’s diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, an autoimmune disease.
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Meracle – Its a Salve not a Balm
Introducing Our Exquisite Salve Collection!
Immerse yourself in the luxury of botanical goodness, as our salves deliver a symphony of benefits for your skin’s well-being.
Expel/remove wind from the body.
Reduce headaches.
Alleviate stress
How To Use
When experiencing a headache, apply it to the back of the neck, behind the ears, above the ears, or on the discomforted area.
Apply an adequate amount.
Usually, comfort can be felt after half an hour. However, individual reactions may vary.

Frequently Asked Questions
Learn How it Works!
Baby boleh guna Meracle ?
In shaaAllah boleh .
Macam mana nak guna Meracle ni ? Nak sapu kat mana ?
Sekiranya untuk membantu kurangkan sakit kepala atau stress – Boleh sapu di belakang tengkuk , di belakang telinga , di hujung pipi atas telinga . Untuk bantu kurangkan kembung atau buang angin – boleh lah sapu di bahagian perut .
Meracle boleh digunakan untuk ibu yang mengandung ?
In shaaAllah boleh . Meracle di perbuat dari bahan- bahan semulajadi – tiada kapur barus mahupun bahan- bahan sintetik mineral yang lain.
Mengapa Meracle ni lembut sangat - senang patah.
Ianya di perbuat dari bahan- bahan semulajadi , tidak seperti balsam lain di dalam pasaran yang mengandungi bahan – bahan yang men…
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🔍 Signs It’s Time to Reach Out:
Persistent feelings of sadness or anxiety.
Changes in sleep patterns or appetite.
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
Struggling with day-to-day activities.
Your Well-being Matters: Reach Out for Support!
In the journey of life, challenges may arise, and your health – both physical and mental – is of utmost importance. If you’re facing any difficulties, remember, help is just a message or call away.
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